One of the very rewarding aspects
of maintaining this website and the Era database,
is that I sometimes get unexpected e-mails from
Era people, often ones I hardly knew or never even
met, with all kinds of recollections and usually
a warm appreciation for what Era meant to their
lives. Here is an e-mail from Tanya Heine that could
be of interest to former Era students looking for
a primary school for their own children or grandchildren,
demonstrating that Era's legacy lives on.
Anyone wishing to contact Tanya can
contact me via the menu to your left.
Name: Tanya Heine
Subject: A bit of ERA lives on at
Village School
Hi Guy.
Just thought you should know the primary
school that the three primary school teachers from
ERA in 1981 started, is still thriving out in the
suburbs at Croydon North.
We try to keep alive the spirit of
adventure, lots of playing in the bush and building
cubbies and climbing (some) of the trees.
We owe our existence to the existence
of ERA and my three children started there in the
primary area and I stuck with ERA until it closed,
before coming over to Village. I was then just a
parent, I'm now Principal of Village School, but
ERA lives on in our history of Village School.
A while ago Carol Watters, daughter
of Bev Watters who was in the ERA office, had her
two children attend Village school.